“If I have done anything, even a little, to help small children enjoy honest,

simple pleasures, I have done a bit of good.”

                                      ~ Beatrix Potter

A Year in the Hundred Acre Wood Elementary
A Journey Into the Woods and Around the World with Winnie-the-Pooh.

A Year in the Hundred Acre Wood Elementary

A Year in the Hundred Acre Wood is a gentle curriculum, written by Lisa Wilkinson, for the elementary student, focusing on literature and nature as a base, blending together the rich and imaginative Winnie-the-Pooh collection. Encouraging character growth and exploration, this curriculum will create a memorable year of education for both the student and the teacher. The complete curriculum contains 30 weeks of intentional lessons, includes TWO versions, one faith-based and one SECULAR version.

Each week you will join together to study a new character trait, learn a Bible verse that encourages and instructs (faith-based version ONLY, both included with purchase), read thoughtful and well-written literature, as well as a new chapter of Winnie-the-Pooh, expanding your knowledge with vocabulary words, introduce and learn to appreciate poetry and art, create beautiful and enjoyable handcrafts, as well as explore nature, earth science, zoology, biographies, and investigate through STEM with a developmentally appropriate hands-on approach.

Every Friday you will break in your lessons for a special tea and poetry time for review, connection, and remembering. At this time your child might give an oral recitation of what they have invested in and filled their hearts and minds with that week. A field trip recommendation is also given each Friday for bridging what you have learned in stories, resources, and creativity with what your child will find in the world around them.

A Year in the Hundred Acre Wood covers all of your learning and core subjects for an entire year and you will only need to add a math program of your choosing and phonics for your younger student, as needed, but please know you will need to check your own requirements for education where you are located.

Includes over 1,000 pages of digital material.

A Year in the Hundred Acre Wood Elementary | Price: $69.00

Collection Overview

You will receive the following items as a PDF Digital Download:

  • Parent Guide with weekly and daily lesson plans
  • Student Notebook with copy work and templates
  • Full Booklist
  • Recipe Collection
  • Art Appreciation Collection
  • Draw and Paint Instruction Guide
  • Nature Investigation Collection including full-sized anatomy posters, life cycle posters, diagrams, and fact cards
  • Rabbit’s Friends and Relations Full Felt Anatomy Template Collection
  • Character Lesson Art Prints
  • Memory Verse Art Prints and Cards
  • Master List for Vocabulary with Definitions
  • An invitation to our private online community for those journeying through A Year of Learning Preschool or Elementary curriculums.

Are You Ready to Journey Through
A Hundred Acre Wood Elementary?

Get your copy of A Hundred Acre Wood Elementary | Retail Price: $69.00
Please be sure to read our FAQ & Disclosure page and ask any questions before you purchase.

PLEASE NOTE: The curriculum is a digital download

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