“If I have done anything, even a little, to help small children enjoy honest,
simple pleasures, I have done a bit of good.”
~ Beatrix Potter
Primer with Pooh
A Gentle Journey Into the Woods and Around the World with Winnie-the-Pooh.
Primer with Pooh
Primer with Pooh is a gentle curriculum, written by Lisa Wilkinson, for the Preschool and Kindergarten learners, focusing on literature and nature as a base, blending together the rich and imaginative Winnie-the-Pooh collection. Encouraging character growth and exploration, this curriculum will create a memorable year of learning for both the student and the teacher. The complete curriculum contains 20 weeks of intentional lessons.
Each week you will join together to investigate a new character trait, read thoughtful and well-written literature and picture books, as well as a travel through a new chapter of Winnie-the-Pooh or The House at Pooh Corner, exploring basic phonics, mathematics, and nature with a developmentally appropriate hands-on approach. Large and fine motor skill development as well as project-based learning is found within the lessons each week. And each lesson embraces both play and progress while remaining flexible yet thorough.
Every Friday you will break in your lessons for a special tea time for review, connection, and remembering. At this time your child might share both what he or she has thoughtfully created as well as what has filled up his or her little heart and mind that week. A field trip recommendation is also given each Friday for bridging what you have learned in stories, resources, and creativity with what your child will find in the world around them.
Primer with Pooh covers all of your learning and core subjects for an entire year of Preschool and/or Kindergarten and you will only need to add an additional phonics program, if desired.
Primer with Pooh | Price: $39.00 $29.00
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